Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Adventures in homemade soy milk

So because my parents are extraordinarily understanding (and well trained), I got a soy milk maker for my birthday this year. I just took it for its first spin, and I have to say I'm very impressed! It's not exactly the same as store bought, but it's really very tasty. To me, it tastes a little more like rice milk than traditional soy milk, but it's very good indeed. Hooray! I think next time I'll try brown rice and barley, which I've heard thickens it up a bit.

I have to give props to Bryanna's homemade soy milk FAQ, which I religiously studied before attempting anything.

1/3 cup + 1 Tbsp dry soybeans
3 Tbsp rice
2-3 Tbsp brown rice syrup
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

SoyQuick soy milk maker
cheesecloth or muslin (I used the tofu cloth that came with the soy milk maker)
kitchen gloves
large glass jar w/ lid (I used a former home for artichoke hearts from Costco)

Follow Bryanna's instructions to the letter. Let the soy milk cool completely in the refrigerator before greedily sucking it down.

Ingredient Notes: I used red cargo rice, which turned the milk slightly pink. The last time I was at Costco, I picked up a huge bottle of organic pancake syrup for $3, which turned out to be brown rice syrup plus butter pecan flavoring. That's what I used in this recipe, and it's delicious. I've been using RealSalt lately, which is a mineral salt from Utah. And I used the Laura soybeans that came with the soy milk maker, although tomorrow I'm going to pick up regular dried soybeans from the health food store. Next time, I think I'll experiment with a little less water... this batch turned out just a little watery for my taste.